Psalm 138:3 says, "When I called, you answered me; you greatly emboldend me."

TR Naz "Embolden" Women's Ministry exists to develop a caring community of women devoted to Christ who come together for encouragement, discipleship, and fellowship. We accomplish this through various ministries such as Women's Bible Study, (Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall Session studies), "One Another Ministries": a mentorship ministry, Women's One Day Simulcast Conferences, Coffee On The Patio events, our TRNaz Ladies' Scripture Writing Group, Book Study Groups, our Ladies' Advent Tea (a cherished, favorite event each year) and many other seasonal and timely ladies events & gatherings. 

As you can see, Embolden Women's Ministries offers something for everyone on their spiritual journey.  Let us come alongside you as we learn, grow, connect & serve, together. 
It is our desire to equip women to know the Lord and lead with strength, using their gifts and talents to serve within the church and out in our community.

To be a part of any of our Women's Ministries events, or for any questions, please contact our Embolden Women's Ministries Director, Tracey Saunders at traceysaunders@threeriversnazarene.org




Our women's Bible study aims to bring women to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ by offering personal study and small group discussion that link our everyday challenges and struggles with the solutions given to us through the teachings of God's Word.  As we study and apply scripture together, we strengthen one another in our faith journeys and we also discover our gifts and talents as we build each other up and encourage one another, just as Jesus instructs us as His disciples. 

What is Needed: 

A heart to know Jesus through spending time in His Word.  A desire to be in fellowship with other Christ-following women, building up one another.  A desire to discover how God's Word applies directly to your everyday life. 


*Monday PM

Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall Sessions - with breaks during holidays


*Occasionally there is a Wednesday study


There is no fee for each session, aside from the purchase of the participant guide, which greatly enhances the Bible study comprehension & learning.  

See below for current studies and registration.

Here's what women are saying about women's bible study at TRNaz:

"There are many ways to grow and be encouraged at TRNaz and Women's Bible Study is one of them. I find myself being challenged intellectually in learning about the Bible, but it doesn't stop there. I am encouraged and shown how to live out what I am learning. I appreciate the prayer support of the other ladies and the opportunities to connect with them. Tracey, our leader, creates a low-key atmosphere where all feel welcome. Whether you attend TR Naz or not,  I would recommend you take the time for your spiritual growth and join Women's Bible Study!" - Audrey

"Women need other women - sometimes I forget this. I make excuses why I am not going to bible study or not finishing once I start. Recently I decided - no more excuses. I needed more of God - I really wasn't thinking of the women in the group - I wanted God. God knew what I needed - He knew I needed Him AND female friendship - bible study is so much more than bible study. We gather to study God's Word - but we also laugh, pray, encourage each other and we grow. We are vulnerable with each other and we love each other. I am so grateful for this time of bible study and friendship." - Michele

"Attending Women’s Bible Study has given me so much!  A clearer understanding of the scriptures; especially God’s Love for me, and how my righteousness and grace were bought for me through Jesus; his Son, and the Sacrifice made on My behalf.  Also, the gift of learning with these wonderful Christ centered leaders and friends has been such a blessing as I now consider myself part of this wonderful “Tribe” of women who I know without a shadow of a doubt would be there for me; and I them, no matter what."  -Tawni

"I truly love my time in Bible study. It not only brings me closer in my walk with the Lord by studying His word, but also building loving relationships with the other ladies in our group. It is something I really look forward to. I can’t wait until we gather again!"  -Jenni

YOU need women's bible study, and WE need YOU!               


Women’s Fall Session Bible Study 2024

    Monday Night Bible Study

                                                         Beginning September 16, 2024, 6:30-8PM

   "The Gospel of Luke: Gut Wrenching Compassion"
Facilitator: Tracey Saunders

ABOUT THE STUDY:   "The Gospel of Luke: Gut Wrenching Compassion"

"PERFECTION NOT REQUIRED. Many of us believe that we aren’t good enough to meet other people’s expectations. Maybe you can’t wrap words around why, but lurking beneath the surface of the carefully curated façade you present in public, it’s there. Being missed and marginalized by others moves us to assume we’re not quite good enough for God either.

The great news woven throughout the Gospel according to Luke is that perfection is not a prerequisite for a deep and personal relationship with Jesus. In fact, this riveting account reveals that Jesus is especially fond of ragamuffins in need of a safe place to lean in and linger! Join us in this Bible study of the Book of Luke - a literary masterpiece that doesn’t celebrate the elite, but embraces the outliers, outcasts, and overlooked!"

                                                              Order your study guide here:

The Gospel of Luke

Women's Bible Study provides opportunities for transformation, renewal, 

and spiritual growth. Take a step toward these and so much more.  

You’ll be glad you did!

We welcome any questions you may have! 

Monday FALL Session Bible Study Facilitator & Embolden Women's Ministries Director

Tracey Saunders at traceysaunders@threeriversnazarene.org 



EMBOLDEN One another ministrY

A   W O M E N ' S   M E N T O R S H I P   M I N I S T R Y

A fun & creative NEW women's mentorship ministry devoted to creating opportunities to foster mentor relationships throughout the local church body and beyond.  8 to 10 events per year, include learning new skills such as making Tamales, sewing, pie-baking, floral arranging, paint night, cookie decorating, and an array of other unique opportunities meant to inspire women to teach, encourage, and love one another toward organic mentoring relationships, as we join together side by side at One Another Events.

It's a great NEW women's ministry you want to be a part of!

One Another Ministry Coordinator Susan McGrew welcomes any questions regarding any past or future One Another Events.  Reach out to her at mcgrewcrewlarge@gmail.com



Coffee On The Patio!

A low-key, relaxing time of sun (and shade), women & connecting.

Selected Saturdays this summer, 8:30AM-10:30AM!

Come for the full two hours or pop in for however long you can — on the parsonage patio (Tracey Saunders’ home) for conversation, laughter, coffee & iced tea, a few breakfast goodies.  


Summer 2024 dates!

Saturday, June 1

Saturday, June 29

Saturday, July 27

Saturday, August 17

Saturday, August 31


Our Ladies' Scripture Writing Group is designed to help you focus and meditate on the scriptures as you write out each verse or passage daily. Every month a new topic or idea - or even an entire book of the Bible - is chosen and posted in our Facebook group. This idea is to engage us with one another, while immersing ourselves in the truth of God's Word. 

Topics/titles of our scripture writing plans have included Encouragement From God's Word, The Names of Jesus, Give Thanks to The Lord, The Book of Philippians, Finding Him In The Psalms, etc. 

We invite you to join us! Anytime! You'll also find that it is not a requirement, nor necessary, to do this perfectly. It's not an all or nothing idea, its "every little bit of scripture in our hearts and minds is always beneficial".  

So grab a journal and maybe some pretty pens, and join us, we love to add new members!

You can join our Facebook group here:




Getting married?  Having a baby for the first time as a TR Naz family member?  Let's celebrate!  At TR Naz, we love celebrating big life events with each other.  Let us know when the big day is and our Embolden Women's Ministries Team will be happy to help you celebrate!  We love coming alongside women in the big and little journeys of life and sharing in the joy that God gives us as fellowshipping women doing life together!